Data Explorer via Contextual AI

This tutorial demonstrats how to explorer different types of data using

We have supported the following types of data: - Categorical - Numerical - Free Text - Datetime

# Some auxiliary imports for the tutorial
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from sklearn import datasets
import xai
/Users/i309943/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ensemble/ DeprecationWarning: numpy.core.umath_tests is an internal NumPy module and should not be imported. It will be removed in a future NumPy release.
  from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d

We use the following datasets as samples to demonstrate the above analyzers: - Breast cancer dataset: demonstration for - Iris plants dataset: demonstration for - The 20 newsgroups text dataset: demonstration for - Self-generated dataset: demonstration for

1. Categorical

Package analyzes categorical datasets and produces a frequency count for each categorical value. categorical_analyzer can feed in categorical values and return a categorical_stats object, which contains frequency count for each unique value. labelled_categorical_analyzer takes an additional argument class when fed values, and it generates frequency counts by class type.

# load dataset
cols_names = ['Class', 'age', 'menopause', 'tumor-size', 'inv-nodes', 'node-caps',
              'deg-malig', 'breast', 'breast-quad', 'irradiat']
# read the data
breast_data = pd.read_csv('sample_data/', header=None,
                 names=cols_names).replace({'?': 'unknown'})  # NaN are represented by '?'

Class age menopause tumor-size inv-nodes node-caps deg-malig breast breast-quad irradiat
0 no-recurrence-events 30-39 premeno 30-34 0-2 no 3 left left_low no
1 no-recurrence-events 40-49 premeno 20-24 0-2 no 2 right right_up no
2 no-recurrence-events 40-49 premeno 20-24 0-2 no 2 left left_low no
3 no-recurrence-events 60-69 ge40 15-19 0-2 no 2 right left_up no
4 no-recurrence-events 40-49 premeno 0-4 0-2 no 2 right right_low no
from import LabelledCategoricalDataAnalyzer

First, we analyze breast-quad column based on Class. The frequency count for each breast-quad is summarized per class type, as shown in the figure on the left. labelled_categorical_analyzer also generates a combined frequency counts across all classes, as shown in the figure on the right.

label_column = 'Class'
feature_column = 'breast-quad'
labelled_analyzer = LabelledCategoricalDataAnalyzer()
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics()

We define a helper class xai.plots.NotebookPlots to help visualize generated statistics.

from xai.plots.data_stats_notebook_plots import NotebookPlots
plotter = NotebookPlots()
plotter.plot_labelled_categorical_stats(labelled_stats, all_stats, label_column, feature_column)

Similarly, we can analyze breast-quad column but choose menopause as class. The frequency count for each breast-quad is summarized per menopause type.

label_column = 'menopause'
feature_column = 'breast-quad'
labelled_analyzer = LabelledCategoricalDataAnalyzer()
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics()
plotter.plot_labelled_categorical_stats(labelled_stats, all_stats, label_column, feature_column)

2. Numerical

Package analyzes numerical datasets and produces statistics analysis including min, max, mean, median, sd, histogram and kde. numerical_analyzer takes all inputted numerical values and generates an overall analysis, while labelled_numerical_analyzer takes numerical values and class labels to generate analysis per class type.

# load dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
iris_data = pd.DataFrame(,columns=iris.feature_names)
iris_data['Class'] =
sepal length (cm) sepal width (cm) petal length (cm) petal width (cm) Class
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 0
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 0
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 0
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 0
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 0
from import LabelledNumericalDataAnalyzer

First, we show statistics of sepal width (cm) with respect to Class.

label_column = 'Class'
feature_column = 'sepal width (cm)'
labelled_analyzer = LabelledNumericalDataAnalyzer()
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics(extreme_value_percentile=[0,100],num_of_bins=15)


sepal width (cm)

class max mean median min sd total_count
0 0 4.4 3.418 0.377195 2.3 4.4 50
1 1 3.4 2.770 0.310644 2.0 3.4 50
2 2 3.8 2.974 0.319255 2.2 3.8 50
3 all 4.4 3.054 0.432147 2.0 4.4 150

Here is another example of statistics of petal length (cm) with respect to Class.

label_column = 'Class'
feature_column = 'petal length (cm)'
labelled_analyzer = LabelledNumericalDataAnalyzer()
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics(extreme_value_percentile=[0,100],num_of_bins=20)


petal length (cm)

class max mean median min sd total_count
0 0 1.9 1.464000 0.171767 1.0 1.9 50
1 1 5.1 4.260000 0.465188 3.0 5.1 50
2 2 6.9 5.552000 0.546348 4.5 6.9 50
3 all 6.9 3.758667 1.758529 1.0 6.9 150

3. Text

Package analyzes free text datasets and produces statistics analysis including word count, character count, term frequency, document frequency and tfidf. text_analyzer takes all inputted free text and generates an overall analysis, while labelled_text_analyzer takes free text and associated class labels to generate statistical analysis per class type.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
data = fetch_20newsgroups()
sample_num = 2000
texts = data['data'][:sample_num]
labels = [data['target_names'][i] for i in data['target']][:sample_num]

We allow user to define the preprocessing function and some predefined pattern.

from import LabelledTextDataAnalyzer

def preprocess(text):
    import re
    text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]',' ',text)
    return text

predefined_pattern = {'point':r'p\d','number':r'\d+','singlar':r'\s\w\s'}

First, we show tfidf and term frequency by class type. Then we show tfidf and term frequency across all classes.

labelled_analyzer = LabelledTextDataAnalyzer(preprocess_fn=preprocess,stop_words_by_languages=['english'],
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics()
plotter.plot_labelled_text_stats(labelled_stats, all_stats)

class longest doc number (doc count) number (term count) point (doc count) point (term count) singlar (doc count) singlar (term count) total count
0 1963 109 1748 2 2 109 2019 109
1 comp.sys.mac.hardware 566 108 1132 4 5 108 1324 108
2 1595 92 1277 4 207 92 1632 92
3 3782 87 1799 0 0 87 1794 87
4 talk.politics.guns 2552 100 1022 4 4 100 1924 100
5 all 15769 2000 69203 46 264 1997 62943 2000

4. Datetime

Package analyzes date time datasets and produces frequency counts for a given resolution, which can be year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, or second. datetime_analyzer takes all values and generates an overall analysis, while labelled_datetime_analyzer generates statistical analysis per class type.

filename = 'sample_data/date.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(filename)

0 13 20180309 20180309
1 13 20180223 20180223
2 13 20180223 20180223
3 13 20180223 20180223
4 13 20180227 20180227
from import LabelledDatetimeDataAnalyzer
from import DatetimeResolution

We set the resolution to be year and month, so that input data will be grouped by their year and month.

datetime_column = 'POSTINGDATE'
label_column = 'COMPANYCODE'
datetimes = [int(x) for x in data[datetime_column]]
labels =[int(x) for x in data[label_column]]

labelled_analyzer = LabelledDatetimeDataAnalyzer()
labelled_stats, all_stats = labelled_analyzer.get_statistics(resolution_list=[DatetimeResolution.YEAR,

We define a helper function plot_labelled_datetime_stats to help visualize generated statistics. This function is only valid to plot datatime distribution with resolution YEAR and MONTH.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_labelled_datetime_stats(labelled_stats, all_stats, label_name):
    def _plot(_class,_frequency_count):
        data_dist = {k: v for (k, v) in sorted(_frequency_count.items())}
        min_year = list(data_dist.keys())[0]
        max_year = list(data_dist.keys())[-1]

        earliest = (min_year, min([int(month) for month in data_dist[min_year].keys()]))
        latest = (max_year, max([int(month) for month in data_dist[max_year].keys()]))

        line_num = len(data_dist)
        data_frame = []
        for year in data_dist:
            year_data = [0] * 13
            year_data[0] = year
            for month in data_dist[year]:
                year_data[int(month)] = int(data_dist[year][month])
        data_frame = np.array(data_frame).astype(int)
        bars = []
        colors = ['#1abc9c', '#2ecc71', '#3498db', '#7f8c8d', '#9b59b6', '#34495e', '#f1c40f', '#e67e22', '#e74c3c',
                  '#95a5a6', '#d35400', '#bdc3c7']
        legends = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'April', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
        current_sum = np.zeros(line_num)
        for month in range(1, 13):
            p = plt.barh(y=list(range(0, line_num)), width=data_frame[:, month].tolist(), left=current_sum.tolist(),
                         color=colors[month - 1])
            current_sum = data_frame[:, month] + current_sum
        for idx in range(line_num):
            plt.text(current_sum[idx], idx, int(current_sum[idx]), color='black', ha="left")

        plt.yticks(list(range(0, line_num)), list(data_dist.keys()))
        plt.legend(bars, legends, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left")
            '%s - %s\nDate Range: %s.%s - %s.%s' % (label_name,_class,earliest[0], legends[earliest[1] - 1], latest[0], legends[latest[1] - 1]))

    for _class in list(labelled_stats.keys())[:3]:


The figures below show frequency counts by class based on year and month as configured previsouly.

plot_labelled_datetime_stats(labelled_stats, all_stats, label_column)

5. Data Analyzer Suite is a tool to analyze a data set based on its defined schema. It support structured data (e.g. csv) and unstructured data (e.g. jsonline). It can be compatible to data set with sequence features.

## load meta data
import json
from pprint import pprint

with open('./sample_data/meta.json','r') as f:
    meta = json.load(f)


# get feature names, feature types and sequence feature names,
sequence_names = list(meta['sequence'].keys())

data_type = []
column_names = []

for key, value in meta['non_sequence'].items():

for key, value in meta['sequence'].items():

{'non_sequence': {'IC_0/COUNTRY': {'type': 'categorical'},
                  'IC_0/REGION': {'type': 'categorical'},
                  'IC_0/SEX': {'type': 'categorical'}},
 'sequence': {'IA_0/COMM_MEDIUM': {'type': 'categorical'},
              'IA_0/IA_INTERVAL': {'type': 'numerical'},
              'IA_0/IA_REASON': {'type': 'categorical'},
              'IA_0/IA_TYPE': {'type': 'categorical'}}}
['categorical', 'categorical', 'categorical', 'categorical', 'numerical', 'categorical', 'categorical']

We import and initialize an object of DataAnalyzerSuite. The initializer takes 3 parameters: - data_type_list: a list of pre-defined data type - columns_names: a list of column name. If this is not provided, the data_type_list should be the same length of the data - sequence_names: a list of feature names which is considered as sequence feature, so that each item of the value will be aggragated to get the overall stats.

from import DataAnalyzerSuite

data_analyzer_suite = DataAnalyzerSuite(data_type_list=data_type,

Then we parse each json line of the data into a json object and feed into the analyzer, together with the label.

## load json line data
with open('./sample_data/','r') as f:
    for line in f:
        data = json.loads(line)
        label = data['LABEL']

Finally the get_statistics() function is called to generate the stats of the entire data based on the each column and its type. The returned stats is a dictionary which maps feature name to a tuple of stats (class-based stats and overall stats).

stats = data_analyzer_suite.get_statistics()
{'IA_0/COMM_MEDIUM': ({0: < object at 0x7f83e163bc18>,
                       1: < object at 0x7f83e163b7f0>},
                      < object at 0x7f83e163b438>),
 'IA_0/IA_INTERVAL': ({0: < object at 0x7f83e163bba8>,
                       1: < object at 0x7f83e163b3c8>},
                      < object at 0x7f83e163bf60>),
 'IA_0/IA_REASON': ({0: < object at 0x7f83e163bcf8>,
                     1: < object at 0x7f83e163beb8>},
                    < object at 0x7f83e163b470>),
 'IA_0/IA_TYPE': ({0: < object at 0x7f83e163b320>,
                   1: < object at 0x7f83e163bf28>},
                  < object at 0x7f83d3a71ac8>),
 'IC_0/COUNTRY': ({0: < object at 0x7f83d3a71d68>,
                   1: < object at 0x7f83d3a71da0>},
                  < object at 0x7f83d3a71358>),
 'IC_0/REGION': ({0: < object at 0x7f83d3a71240>,
                  1: < object at 0x7f83d3a71208>},
                 < object at 0x7f83d3a71eb8>),
 'IC_0/SEX': ({0: < object at 0x7f83d3a716d8>,
               1: < object at 0x7f83d3a71cf8>},
              < object at 0x7f83d3a71f60>)}

We plot IA_0/COMM_MEDIUM as an example for categorical features results, and IA_0/IA_INTERVAL as the numerical restuls.

feature_column = 'IA_0/COMM_MEDIUM'
plotter.plot_labelled_categorical_stats(labelled_stats = stats[feature_column][0],
                                        all_stats = stats[feature_column][1],
                                        label_column = 'LABEL',
                                        feature_column = feature_column)
feature_column = 'IA_0/IA_INTERVAL'
plotter.plot_labelled_numerical_stats(labelled_stats = stats[feature_column][0],
                                      all_stats = stats[feature_column][1],
                                      label_column = 'LABEL',
                                      feature_column = feature_column)


class max mean median min sd total_count
0 0 365.0 18.147545 41.756111 0.0 365.0 17249
1 1 363.0 18.162088 46.937193 0.0 363.0 728
2 all 365.0 18.148134 41.978351 0.0 365.0 17977