Generate Explainable Report with Titanic dataset using Contextual AI

This notebook demonstrates how to generate explanations report using complier implemented in the Contextual AI library.


Once the PoC is done (and you know where your data comes from, what it looks like, and what it can predict) comes the ideal next step is to put your model into production and make it useful for the rest of the business.

Does it sound familiar? do you also need to answer the questions below, before promoting your model into production: 1. How you sure that your model is ready for production? 2. How you able to explain the model performance? in business context that non-technical management can understand? 3. How you able to compare between newly trained models and existing models is done manually every iteration?

In Contextual AI project, our simply vision is to: 1. Speed up data validation 2. Simplify model engineering 3. Build trust

For more details, please refer to our whitepaper


  1. Create a model to Predict survival on the Titanic, using the data provide in titanic

  2. Evaluate the model performance with Contextual AI report

1. Performance Model Training

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

1.1 Loading Data

train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
data = pd.concat([train, test], sort=False)

data.to_csv('titanic.csv', index=False)
PassengerId Survived Pclass Age SibSp Parch Fare
count 1309.000000 891.000000 1309.000000 1046.000000 1309.000000 1309.000000 1308.000000
mean 655.000000 0.383838 2.294882 29.881138 0.498854 0.385027 33.295479
std 378.020061 0.486592 0.837836 14.413493 1.041658 0.865560 51.758668
min 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.170000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 328.000000 0.000000 2.000000 21.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.895800
50% 655.000000 0.000000 3.000000 28.000000 0.000000 0.000000 14.454200
75% 982.000000 1.000000 3.000000 39.000000 1.000000 0.000000 31.275000
max 1309.000000 1.000000 3.000000 80.000000 8.000000 9.000000 512.329200

1.2 Quick Check

Index(['PassengerId', 'Survived', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp',
       'Parch', 'Ticket', 'Fare', 'Cabin', 'Embarked'],
PassengerId       0
Survived        418
Pclass            0
Name              0
Sex               0
Age             263
SibSp             0
Parch             0
Ticket            0
Fare              1
Cabin          1014
Embarked          2
dtype: int64

1.3 Feature quantity engineering

# Sex
data['Sex'].replace(['male','female'], [0, 1], inplace=True)

# Embarked
data['Embarked'].fillna(('S'), inplace=True)
data['Embarked'] = data['Embarked'].map( {'S': 0, 'C': 1, 'Q': 2} ).astype(int)

# Fare
data['Fare'].fillna(np.mean(data['Fare']), inplace=True)

# Age
age_avg = data['Age'].mean()
age_std = data['Age'].std()

data['Age'].fillna(np.random.randint(age_avg - age_std, age_avg + age_std), inplace=True)

# Final Clean-up
delete_columns = ['Name', 'PassengerId', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Ticket', 'Cabin']
data.drop(delete_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)

1.4 Data Splitting

train = data[:len(train)]
test = data[len(train):]

y_train = train['Survived']
X_train = train.drop('Survived', axis = 1)
X_test = test.drop('Survived', axis = 1)

X_train.to_csv("train_data.csv", index=False)

Pclass Sex Age Fare Embarked
0 3 0 22.0 7.2500 0
1 1 1 38.0 71.2833 1
2 3 1 26.0 7.9250 0
3 1 1 35.0 53.1000 0
4 3 0 35.0 8.0500 0

1.5 ML train a DecisionTreeClassifier Model

import pickle
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()
clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', solver="sag", random_state=0), y_train)

pkl = open('model.pkl', 'wb')
pickle.dump(clf, pkl)
clf = None
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: The max_iter was reached which means the coef_ did not converge
  "the coef_ did not converge", ConvergenceWarning)

1.6 ML load model and evaluation

model_pkl = open('model.pkl', 'rb')
model = pickle.load(model_pkl)

accuracy = round(model.score(X_train, y_train) * 100, 2)
print("Model Accuracy: ", accuracy)
Model Accuracy:  68.46

1.7 ML Inference and output result

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

sub = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv("test.csv")['PassengerId'])
sub['Survived'] = list(map(int, y_pred))
sub.to_csv("result.csv", index=False)

2. Involve Contextual AI complier

import os
import sys
from xai.compiler.base import Configuration, Controller

2.1 Specify config file

json_config = 'basic-report.json'

2.2 Initial compiler controller with config

controller = Controller(config=Configuration(json_config))
{'name': 'Report for Titanic Dataset', 'overview': True, 'content_table': True, 'contents': [{'title': 'Feature Importance Analysis', 'desc': 'This section provides the analysis on feature', 'sections': [{'title': 'Feature Importance Ranking', 'component': {'_comment': 'refer to document section xxxx', 'class': 'FeatureImportanceRanking', 'attr': {'trained_model': 'model.pkl', 'train_data': 'train_data.csv', 'method': 'shap'}}}]}, {'title': 'Data Statistics Analysis', 'desc': 'This section provides the analysis on data', 'sections': [{'title': 'Simple Data Statistic', 'component': {'_comment': 'refer to document section xxxx', 'class': 'DataStatisticsAnalysis', 'attr': {'data': 'titanic.csv'}}}]}], 'writers': [{'class': 'Pdf', 'attr': {'name': 'titanic-basic-report'}}]}

2.2 Finally compiler render

../../../xai/model/interpreter/ UserWarning: Warning: the current model type (<class 'sklearn.linear_model.logistic.LogisticRegression'>) is not supported by TreeExplainer in shap. Will call KernelExplainer and may take longer to generate the feature importance.
Using 891 background data samples could cause slower run times. Consider using shap.kmeans(data, K) to summarize the background as K weighted samples.
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [PassengerId] is suspected to be key feature as it is monotonic integer.
[Examples]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))

../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [Ticket] is suspected to be identifiable feature.
[Examples]: ['A/5 21171', 'PC 17599', 'STON/O2. 3101282', '113803', '373450']

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))
../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [Cabin] is suspected to be identifiable feature.
[Examples]: [nan, 'C85', nan, 'C123', nan]

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))
../../../xai/formatter/portable_document/ UserWarning: Warning: figure will exceed the page bottom, adding a new page.
  warnings.warn(message='Warning: figure will exceed the page bottom, '
../../../xai/formatter/portable_document/ UserWarning: Warning: figure will exceed the page edge on the right, rescale the whole group.
  warnings.warn(message='Warning: figure will exceed the page edge '


print("report generated : %s/titanic-basic-report.pdf" % os.getcwd())
report generated : /Users/i062308/Development/Explainable_AI/tutorials/compiler/titanic/titanic-basic-report.pdf


data2 = pd.read_csv("titanic.csv")
data2.groupby(["Survived", "Sex"]).size()
Survived  Sex
0.0       female     81
          male      468
1.0       female    233
          male      109
dtype: int64
<bound method NDFrame.head of       PassengerId  Survived  Pclass  \
0               1       0.0       3
1               2       1.0       1
2               3       1.0       3
3               4       1.0       1
4               5       0.0       3
...           ...       ...     ...
1304         1305       NaN       3
1305         1306       NaN       1
1306         1307       NaN       3
1307         1308       NaN       3
1308         1309       NaN       3

                                                   Name     Sex   Age  SibSp  \
0                               Braund, Mr. Owen Harris    male  22.0      1
1     Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th...  female  38.0      1
2                                Heikkinen, Miss. Laina  female  26.0      0
3          Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)  female  35.0      1
4                              Allen, Mr. William Henry    male  35.0      0
...                                                 ...     ...   ...    ...
1304                                 Spector, Mr. Woolf    male   NaN      0
1305                       Oliva y Ocana, Dona. Fermina  female  39.0      0
1306                       Saether, Mr. Simon Sivertsen    male  38.5      0
1307                                Ware, Mr. Frederick    male   NaN      0
1308                           Peter, Master. Michael J    male   NaN      1

      Parch              Ticket      Fare Cabin Embarked
0         0           A/5 21171    7.2500   NaN        S
1         0            PC 17599   71.2833   C85        C
2         0    STON/O2. 3101282    7.9250   NaN        S
3         0              113803   53.1000  C123        S
4         0              373450    8.0500   NaN        S
...     ...                 ...       ...   ...      ...
1304      0           A.5. 3236    8.0500   NaN        S
1305      0            PC 17758  108.9000  C105        C
1306      0  SOTON/O.Q. 3101262    7.2500   NaN        S
1307      0              359309    8.0500   NaN        S
1308      1                2668   22.3583   NaN        C

[1309 rows x 12 columns]>
age_avg = data2['Age'].mean()
age_std = data2['Age'].std()
data2['Age'].fillna(np.random.randint(age_avg - age_std, age_avg + age_std), inplace=True)

data2['Adult'] = np.where(data2['Age']>=18, 'adult', 'child')
data2.groupby(["Survived", "Adult"]).size()
Survived  Adult
0.0       adult    497
          child     52
1.0       adult    281
          child     61
dtype: int64

Using Contextual AI Compiler with existing variables

import json

1. Read/load the working file

# -- Read/load the working file --
train_data_csv = pd.read_csv('train_data.csv')
model_pkl = pd.read_pickle('model.pkl')

2. Verify Step

# locals()['train_data_csv']

LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=100,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=0, solver='sag', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

3. Specify the json file

  • NOTE append variable with prefix “var:”

json_config = 'basic-report-with-dataobject.json'
with open(json_config) as file:
    config = json.load(file)
{'name': 'Report for Titanic Dataset with Data Object',
 'overview': True,
 'content_table': True,
 'contents': [{'title': 'Feature Importance Analysis',
   'desc': 'This section provides the analysis on feature',
   'sections': [{'title': 'Feature Importance Ranking',
     'component': {'_comment': 'refer to document section xxxx',
      'class': 'FeatureImportanceRanking',
      'attr': {'trained_model': 'var:model_pkl',
       'train_data': 'var:train_data_csv',
       'method': 'shap'}}}]},
  {'title': 'Data Statistics Analysis',
   'desc': 'This section provides the analysis on data',
   'sections': [{'title': 'Simple Data Statistic',
     'component': {'_comment': 'refer to document section xxxx',
      'class': 'DataStatisticsAnalysis',
      'attr': {'data': 'titanic.csv'}}}]}],
 'writers': [{'class': 'Pdf', 'attr': {'name': 'titanic-basic-report-v2'}}]}

4. Initial compiler controller with config and variable

  • ENHANCED - Configuration class can accept:

  1. Json Object that initiated

  2. Path to the Json file (string)

controller = Controller(config=Configuration(config, locals()))
../../../xai/model/interpreter/ UserWarning: Warning: the current model type (<class 'sklearn.linear_model.logistic.LogisticRegression'>) is not supported by TreeExplainer in shap. Will call KernelExplainer and may take longer to generate the feature importance.
Using 891 background data samples could cause slower run times. Consider using shap.kmeans(data, K) to summarize the background as K weighted samples.
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
/Users/i062308/anaconda3/envs/xai-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shap/explainers/ UserWarning: l1_reg="auto" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a conditional use of AIC to simply "num_features(10)"!
  "l1_reg=\"auto\" is deprecated and in the next version (v0.29) the behavior will change from a " \
../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [PassengerId] is suspected to be key feature as it is monotonic integer.
[Examples]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))
../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [Ticket] is suspected to be identifiable feature.
[Examples]: ['A/5 21171', 'PC 17599', 'STON/O2. 3101282', '113803', '373450']

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))
../../../xai/data/ UserWarning: Warning: the feature [Cabin] is suspected to be identifiable feature.
[Examples]: [nan, 'C85', nan, 'C123', nan]

  '[Examples]: %s\n' % (column, col_data.tolist()[:5]))

../../../xai/formatter/portable_document/ UserWarning: Warning: figure will exceed the page bottom, adding a new page.
  warnings.warn(message='Warning: figure will exceed the page bottom, '
../../../xai/formatter/portable_document/ UserWarning: Warning: figure will exceed the page edge on the right, rescale the whole group.
  warnings.warn(message='Warning: figure will exceed the page edge '


print("report generated : %s/titanic-basic-report-v2.pdf" % os.getcwd())
report generated : /Users/i062308/Development/Explainable_AI/tutorials/compiler/titanic/titanic-basic-report-v2.pdf
[ ]: